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Having problems trading Items? Visit our contact Page and give us a description of what your problem is. Having problems selling Items? Visit our contact Page and give us a description of what your problem is. Having problems with Shipping and Handling? Visit our contact Page and give us a description of what your problem is. Can't figure how what to trade? Go to our Preferences and we'll help you find out what items you can trade. Learn about how to sign up for Echo Premium/Premium+. Visit our Subcription Page.

Here what perks comes with Echo Plus/Premium/Premium+ The first level of our subscriptions are Echo Plus. Echo Plus is known as a standard/first type of subscription that you can buy to use on Echo. You can buy Echo Plus for $8.99 per month and $69.99 annually. The next subscription that Echo offers is Echo Premium, which is a big step up from Echo Plus and can be purchased for $17.99 per month and $89.99 annually. When you purchase the first Premium, this is accessible to all users, only requiring them to sign up for an account. Buying the regular premium, you have access to all items to trade and sell with other people, you can even chat with other members with premium access. Lastly, buying Premium can help you advance to the next level of Echo. The last and third subscription is known as Echo Premium+. Premium+ is known for not only of its low price compared to other trading companies but also it's non-user friendly requirements. The requirements for using Premium+ is that you have to either buy it at a starting price for new users for $34.99 and have to remain active for 3 months or your account will be terminated indefinitely. Normal requirements for getting Echo Premium is be a Echo Plus/Premium member for 3 months and you have to had trade a minimum of 8 items, and be an active member. And for active members, Echo Premium+ is $25.99 per month and $108.99 annually. Here is a link to our subscription page so you can Echo started:

How to trade Items? Trading items require showing legal verification/documentation between two parties sent to Echo and if both parties are verified within 2 hours, they will be able to begin the trading process with each other. The process for Echo verification may take between 2 hours to 24 hours, depending on what type of legal documents you submit. Echo uses privacy to ensure that none of your information is sold or taken by somebody on the internet. Because of our policy we have made a AI machine called Exco that helps look and verify legal documents and what to expect from it. Once Exco verifies your documents your free to do what you want. You may ask what happens if Exco is down or going through a software update? We have a team of human verifiers that are always on stand-by just in case Exco fails to do its job. We are also working on a secondary AI machine that can help Exco and help Echo have better and faster verification time.

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Here's how you can delete your Account/deactivate your Premium(+) Subscription.